Wednesday 12 December 2007

3rd December 2007 - Grand Opening of Toilet Facility

Well the results of all our hard work are FANTASTIC !! The Toilet facilities (or Happy Rooms as the children now call them) are complete and are open for 'business' if you'll pardon the pun.

I have just returned from Thailand, as I was invited to formally open the new facilities and see how our money has been spent. I have to say that the quality of workmanship and finish is beyond my wildest expectations.

Not only did the money raised fully fund the design and build of these facilities - there was also enough money to build a path, a sala (reading room), a new wall and to landscape the area in front of the new toilets. In addition to this, the money paid for the school to be completely repainted inside and out and there was still enough money left over to purchase toys and play equipment for the children.

Andrew Smales was my travel companion and we were treated with great reverence and kindness during our short stay in Nongon village... It felt like the whole village was there for the opening, even 5 monks travelled from the local temple and blessed the school by chanting for over half an hour. Local dignitaries and educational chiefs also made a point of attending the ceremony and to everyone's surprise wanted to stay for the duration. Parents, grandparents and friends of the children all came to witness the opening and see the pupils dance and sing to celebrate the outcome of 'A Passage of Hope.'

That evening a party had been planned - I was told to expect 'quite a turnout' ... nothing could have prepared me for the 1000+ people that pitched up to celebrate 'A Passage of Hope' and the resultant improvements to the school. People came from Nongon and neighboring villages carrying their village name and singing and dancing as they made the journey to the school. Rock bands played and people danced on a stage that had been constructed for the event. Paper lanterns were lit and sent to the heavens, fireworks were set off in celebration. Rice whiskey and beer were drunk by all who attended and the party continued into the early hours long after we had left.

Words can not describe how thrilled I am with the outcome of our 'adventure' - I am extremely proud of what we endured and have ultimately achieved. This project would not have been conceived let alone completed without the support of my fellow crew mates and of course all our corporate sponsors and family/friends who kindly donated sponsorship funds.... This has been a fantastic example of what can be achieved with the goodwill and dedication of a few individuals in the UK - and goes to show what a huge difference can be made to the lives of poor children in countries less fortunate than our own.

I am now left with very mixed emotions - great joy that we have over achieved our objective... but also great sadness that the adventure is now over as 'A Passage of Hope' is committed to the history books.....

I am struggling to find the right words with which to conclude - perhaps....

" It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness. "

" Individual glory is insignificant when compared to achieving victory as a team."