Friday 30 March 2007

About the Cause - Primary School, Nongon, Thailand

Nongon is a small village community of approx 350 homes , located 23 miles North of Chiang Mai, Thailand's 2nd largest city. Most inhabitants are engaged in farming, growing rice , vegetables and fruit. Wages are poor , ranging from 50p to 3 pounds a day, depending on the nature of the work.

Although basic healthcare is free , there is virtually no income support, so living standards are low. Education up to high school is free and compulsory. The primary school in Nongon has 60 or so pupils , girls and boys aged between 4 and 12 years .The school is poorly supported by the government, who pay the teachers salaries only.

Local well-wishers, some with better off relatives, offer financial support for food and other running costs. The local authority provides free daily milk and a rich American philanthropist subsidises the salaries of an IT and a nursery teacher, both of whom are super-numery. Parents buy books by monthly installment of 20-30 pence at a time. Those who can't afford this are helped with whatever funds are left in the school kitty.

A recent drive by concerned villagers and a retired UK citizen (my friend Malcolm) and his wife (Marilyn) have successfully raised funds to buy much needed personal computers, build a new canteen, repave the perimeter road and tile the floors on the ground floor. This work, much of which has been made possible with money donated by British citizens (and the Rotary Club of Oswestry & Borderland) , has significantly improved the conditions for the children , many of whom are keen to receive an education to enable them to better support their parents in later life.

The teachers are loyal and hardworking. In 2006 the school beat 130 other teams from Chiang Mai district in an English speaking and comprehension competition , and earned a silver award in the 2007 event, against much better funded schools.
Three years ago no one spoke English in Nongon school; but with Malcolm as an unpaid volunteer they now have a 'real' English teacher....

Much more remains to be done, the most pressing need being the construction of a new toilet and washing block. The existing block would be difficult to describe here. Let's just say it isn't " dignified ". This is where the 'Passage of Hope' will be helping..... Please, please, please be generous to this worthy cause.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello Tim

It's Geraint here from Pwllheli Rowing Club.

Eifion highlighted to us your latest challenge on the seas.

We would be delighted as a Club to offer £30 donation to you. I will send it on behalf of the Club to Dairi-Pak.

Safe travels and best wishes

Club Chairman