Sunday 27 May 2007

Day 7 - Heading nowhere

Andrew again. Tim is fully enjoying our enforced day off, which for him is well earned, and due back shortly after a hearty meal and drinks. Thankfully we made it the mere 20 miles round to Whitby this morning, setting off at 6.30am having taken turns to ensure the boat was safely moored against the shipping wall throughout the night. A much more salubrious place than Hartlepool. Rather beautiful actually. Doesn't Stray Cat look great from this angle. Who'd have thought that Yorkshire could look like the Adriatic? Actually, that IS the Adriatic, and that ISN'T Stray Cat. Well we couldn't disappoint you with another grey rain and wind filled picture could we. Besides, the combination of no shore power and failing cameras and 'phones has made the photographic task a bit difficult. Must try harder! Mr Kodak we ain't, despite all the electronics we have on board.

Very VERY windy here, and glad to have found shelter in a nice little marina. At 09.42 UTC Humber Coastguard posted an All Ships 'Securite' ... Humber severe Force 9 soon. The weather shows no sign of abating, and it is unlikely we will leave this place "this place" tomorrow. The locals are walking round in virtual gale force winds this evening in shirt sleeves and blouses, and we are cold in our full weather gear. This begs the question - who is the toughest of them all? Definitely the inhabitants of Whitby.

So all in all, a lazy day. Watched the Grand Prix in a pub and must bide our time to make an exit into the sea as soon as the gales have gone. Again, it's not glamorous, but it is a adventure. But we all have itchy feet to get back out to sea again. Not before time though. We'll sign in tomorow, and keep you updated.

Still, on the plus side, Tim has had time to shower to his heart's content, and no longer smells like a goat. And this crew member is about to crawl under his duvet for a very very long time indeed. Goodnight all. Don't worry about us. It's a tough life living on only seafood and Guinness, but we'll cope...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fancy sneaking into Hartlepool the night club centre and week end break favourite destination of County Durham. Enjoy Whitby and say hello to the Venerable Bede for me! Bon Voyage.Brian.