Monday 28 May 2007

Day 8 - Blow the wind southerly...

How frustrating, to be holed up due to gales in the North Sea? Due to Force 7 & 8 gales we have had to abandon any plans to get underway today. Tomorrow is looking like an impossibilty also. Nothing for it but to secure the boat and wait... and wait...

Sad to see my crew leave today (not sure if they abandoned ship or whether it was a mutiny ?!) - Dave Pedley & Andrew Smales have run out of time and have headed back home for work tomorrow. It has been great having them aboard - Dave has been a great help with navigation and helming, whilst Andrew has been a constant reminder for the rest of us to 'eat and sleep' !!!

Colin has had to shoot back to Oswestry as his dog is not well.... I hope the vets can work their magic and I look forward to the return of my most loyal and trusted crewmate !!

Whitby is a lovely Yorkshire seaside resort, which retains a huge amount of historical charm. Count Dracula rated it very highly and every Goth in the country has it on their 'Places to visit before you die' list - so who am I to argue ?

Again very disappointing not to have clocked up any miles today, but reading the weather and making decisions on when to 'make way' and when to 'run and hide' is part of the challenge of boating in the UK....

Hope you are all enjoying the blog and I will speak to you all tomorrow....

Looking forward to seeing you at the Safe Return Party @ Oswestry Cricket Club on 29th June !! Tim

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey there Skipper - flying solo hey (or whatever the boat equiv. is to that ?) - how long 'til you get crew again ? hope you get lots of rest whilst stuck - don't turn goth now will you ;0)