Tuesday 5 June 2007

Day 16 - All Wight ?

A very, very sedate and relaxed day today..... We are ahead of schedule and there is no point arriving in Plymouth early (makes Brighton look nice)...

Woke late and moseyed down to the shops in Cowes - provisions, some shorts (clothing not drink) for Shaun and some medicine for the skipper (scurvy has set in). We then went for an explore on the tender (rubber inflatable) up the River Medina @ Cowes... idea was to take some photos for the blog. Don't know whether we should blame the photographer (Shaun) or the assistant ( guess who ?) who clearly hadn't cleared the memory card. Lots of great photos just no memory to store them with !

Decided that the Isle of Wight was worth further investigation and we made passage to Yarmouth, our calling was seafood at Saltys (folk law reputation for good food) Before dinner we went exploring in the tender up the River Yar and Shaun mastered helming the little craft (not easy for an uncoordinated left hooker)

We had a table booked in our name at Saltys (literally they had written our name in chalk on the table) for 19.30 hrs - giving us just enough time for a cheeky ale before supper !

Fantastic food, good company, some ad-hoc sponsorship from total strangers and the weirdest of coincidences... A guy came over to ask what our 'shirts' were all about and asked if we wanted him to take a picture of us (see pic) Whilst chatting to us he mentioned he had just returned from an expedition to the North Pole. I asked speculatively -
" Was it the Polar Challenge ? " He seemed surprised that we had heard of it and affirmed that it was 'said' challenge... It turns out he completed the challenge with 2 good friends of mine from my Airpic days. Bevs and his team had completed the challenge and come third and had become close buddies with my ex-colleagues Martin Palethorpe and Stuart Lotherington. Very, very small World... see pictures at bottom of page.

Beautiful sunset as we left Saltys and we paused to take a few snaps (plenty of memory this time)...

We are planning a relaxed start in the morning - Lulworth Cove and Weymouth are our planned destinations.....

Bon nuit Tim & Shaun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well it sounds like your having a great time ...... sun, sea and expeditions of a different kind to some very nice eating and drinking holes!!

Well I'm sure the rest of us are reading the blog and thinking 'lucky buggers' !!

I had a text last night saying have your seen the new blog pictures .... I quickly logged on to find Tim doing a baywatch sunkissed pose - well, from the shoulders up !! (link at bottom of blog page to photos if you havent seen the pics)

The blog is making good reading and the sponsorship continues to arrive so keep up the good work.

love Carol xx (large pregnant wife at home who was banned from coming on the trip - possibility of being mistaken for a whale!!)