Sunday 10 June 2007

Day 21 - Orange Boats, French Boats... a Scilly day !

Up early.... 06.30 hrs to complete chart work for the next 2 days. Scilly Isles today and Padstow tomorrow (weather permitted). Slipped our mooring in the Helford River before 09.00 hrs and slowly pushed out of the river in choppy seas (wind against tide). Not a great time to take a shower, but Ian didn't now this and who was I to enlighten him (ha,ha...tee,hee). (however - note from Ian - whilst taking a seated shower much of the boat movement did not prove a problem).

Once around Lizard Point (the most southerly part of mainland UK) we had the wind on our backs and we surfed towards the Isles of Scilly. We passed the ominously named Wolf Rock, a reminder that we were 1/2 way to the Isles (we were all somewhat disappointed that there was neither a picture of the aforementioned beast or a live specimen running wild on the island). Once past the Rock the sea changed colour to the most dramatic turquoise and the sun came out... marvelous. Colin was helming (using the wheel) and using nothing but the compass managed to steer an accurate course over 6 miles, only cross track erroring by 0.2nm - TOP JOB !

We saw land some 7 miles off and the air of expectation was very real.... none of the crew had visited the 'best bit of Britain' and this was about to change. As we entered St Mary's Sound we were again reminded of the perils of wind over tide and were glad when we reached the total calm of St Mary's Pool. We had arrived and we all heard the sound of the pub calling..... hoorray!

As we were picking up our swinging mooring... Ian (in his usual fashion) came up with another classic blonde moment....... ' Who paints their boat bloody orange?'... er, that'll be the life boat Ian !!! We are comfortably moored amongst boats from all over Europe. Having mentioned in passing that our nearest neighbour was French... Colin asked 'how do you know it's French?' ..... er, that'll be the french flag and the boatname 'Rosanne Veere'. Where did I get this crew from ? As a postscript it was interesting to note that the boat was actually from Holland, as noted by Ian (the apparent blonde on this current trip). Okay Ian.... but you did have to look the flag up on tinternet !!

Having taken the launch to town we sampled the offerings of the Mermaid Inn (great bar set into a rowing boat) & the Atlantic Inn (Ian is convinced it's is called the Lantern... nothing for it but to go back later and settle the argument once and for all) Having bought a BBQ and food.. yes, you guessed it - it's now pissing it down.

Nevermind we have our beer blankets on and we feel like we're on holiday.. hooray !

Watched the Grand Prix onboard and then took tender to the shore to find some food and liquid.

It will probably be an early night so we will sign off now.... same time tomorrow ?

Tim & crew.... xxx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tim - It sounds like you had the perfect sunday - out on the boat, sun, interesting sea and company! (how blonde are those boys!!) rounded off with the grand prix, food and drink .......... all on your wish list!

Enjoy tomorrow ..... probably best to keep the blondes away from rope duties ...... who knows what might happen!

Enjoy .........Carol xx