Wednesday 13 June 2007

Day 24 - When will the weather make its mind up?

The end of another day. An early start from Lundy, well ok, it was 9 ish by the time we set off, but anyway! The weather was vastly different from that of the evening before and can only be described as windy, grey, drab, cold, drizzly and downright miserable. I could still manage being in shorts and bare feet as they were protected from the wind but on top was a T-shirt, mid weight fleece, windstopper mountain fleece and a Gore-Tex mountain jacket. Just enough to keep out the cold. Our course lead us to the end of Lundy and revealed another (previously unseen) working lighthouse. It wasn't long before we were losing sight of Lundy with only a heavy swell, gusts of wind and the odd seabird for company.

With nothing but each other for company and the rolling action of Stray Cat in the swell, a very pleasant surprise announced itself from the waters in front of us - more common dolphins - with quite a few completely clearing the water. The boat was going too quick for them in the heavy swell to enable them to swim in front of us but they played for a few minutes in the wake of the boat and then just as all marine life before them, they were gone, off to find some food no doubt.

We motored on at a steady 18-20 knots over ground and as we were approaching decision time - whether to run and hide in Milford Sound or make a break north for somewhere in Cardigan Bay - the weather made our decision that much easier! The swell got bigger and more erratic, the wind picked up and the rain came in.............HARD! Tim, Sarah and I, braved it out in full waterproofs all velcro'd up to the hilt with barely an inch of flesh open to the elements up at the top helm.............not nice! So Milford Sound it was. We passed lots of heavy shipping as we moved further towards Pembroke Dock and made the decision to moor up for a while in Neyland Marina near to the Cleddau Bridge. Typically, as we headed further into the Sound the weather seemed to get better, then better and then much better! Never mind, there's a pub that sells Guinness somewhere near...........hooray!

We filled up with food and made the decision to stay the night, Tim received a phone call from the supplier of his covers (Stephen Ratsey Sail Makers of Milford Haven) who had seen Stray Cat entering the Sound after they had heard of the Passage of Hope. Tim informed him that the top cover needed fixing. "Bring it in!" An hour later and a new improved top cover is in place! Top service that!

Showers (of the warm soapy variety) were the order of the day for all but Brian who was going to have one in the morning. Tim then decides that as the weather is better, we'll make a break for Aberystwyth - covers off the Helm, seats back in place and Brian decides he needs a shower so off he runs to the shower block. Tim was then not so sure of the weather, it didn't look good out to sea, the tides were against us getting into Aberystwyth and it was a long haul to Pwllheli at this time of day. Decision made, we stay the night. Covers back on the helm, seats back downstairs and then the clouds clear, the wind drops and the sun comes out....................AARRRRGGGHHHH! The internet weather sites are about as much use as a cooler bag to an eskimo as they keep changing their weather predictions and here we are in Neyland Marina with fair weather and a long old haul back to North Wales tomorrow.

Dinner time soon, so from the crew of Stray Cat - Skipper Tim, Brian, Dave, S-C and myself, I'll say so long for now and see you soon............Charlie Bravo

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