Friday 1 June 2007

Day 12 - East meets West....

Up at 7.00am eager to prepare for a long passage.... endeavouring to push onto Brighton from Lowestoft (some 157 Nm). Sent Farklin (Col) to get some provisions from the local shop... one hour later still no sign of him (stroke? mugged? or just confused?) Anyway it gave me time to fuel all 4 tanks and read the whole Almanac cover to cover !!!!

When eventually he arrived a little flushed and out of breath, he made no apology and went to stock the fridge. We slipped our lines and asked Lowestoft Harbour Authority for permission to leave once a container ship had passed the marina entrance. We were aware that fog was going to be a hazard and the radar was primed. As we left the marina we heard two sailors proclaiming 'bit of a pea-souper, might wait to see if it clears - before we decide whether to go or not...' - Poofters !

The fog didn't hinder our progress as there were no blips on the radar screen... too misty for the average yachty, but no problem for the CAT. We saw nothing (but each other) for nearly 3 hours until a large blob (huge in fact) appeared on the radar screen. I assigned an 'Elecronic Bearing Line' (EBL) and a 'Variable Range Marker' (VRM) to the target and noted it's range - just half a mile away. Before I could track the target to see if it was on a collision course with us - it was gone ! We hit the wake some 2 minutes later and summised it must have been the Ramsgate Fast Cat. Thank God we were wide awake and vigilant.... or we could have been writing this blog from Zebrugger !

Whether it was the relief of averting a CATaclismic collision or the fact that fog really does cloud the brain and disorientate.... Colin then professed to having seen a mermaid (wot?) " No really I saw it !" .... he protested. After rationalising the situation we concurred it was infact a seal (albeit it did have big eyelashes and vuluptous lips) although I find it hard to believe it was wearing a wig and giving him the come-on...

Back to the voyage... Fog really does disorientate... it was easy to convince ourselves we were infact going round in circles - you just have to trust the instruments and ignore your instincts. I said to Farklin (Col) we should be able to see the White Cliffs of Dover by now.... and as if on cue - through the mist they appeared. A fleeting glance of the Port of Dover and its Castle before our visibility was zero once more.

By the time we had reached Hastings the sun was beginning to burn through and we really believed we were approaching the South Coast of England.... Yippee !

At 18.16 BST we crossed the Greenwich Meridian 000' 00.00" and we officially entered the Western hemisphere. Nothing for it but a photo to prove our position (Royal Navy Style) and a large Gin & Tonic to celebrate our return to the Western World...

Arrived @ Brighton Marina just before 19.00 hrs and treated the CAT to a wash and polish...
Headed out to the modern monstousity that is Brighton Marina Complex for a couple of Guinnesses (Guinnie?) and a chinese (meal not person).

Time for bed said Zeberdee.... zzzz zzzz

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Best yet. Have you seen Mungo?? (I realise this will meen little to most people... he's a friend of ours). Jealous as hell that I'm not there with you guys. Why did I pick NOW to be responsible?! Andrew