Monday 4 June 2007

Day 15 - Riding a Virgin to Brighton

Hi all, new contributor today, Tim is a bit depressed and lacking inspiration following three days stuck in Brighton. I can't say I blame him, I feel much the same and I only spent a couple of hours in the place. I'm Shaun and will be on the Brighton to Plymouth leg before my more elderly colleagues from work take over.

I arrived on a Virgin from Birmingham around two this afternoon before walking the seemingly endless sea front up to the marina. Only Tim and I on this leg. Two guys together on a boat seems fairly normal in this part of the world.

Anyway, onto the events of the day. After a welcoming beer sat on the bow seat, we decided to fuel & set off to Cowes (Isle of White) at about 17-00 hrs. The forecast for tomorrow was pretty ropey, so it seemed the best thing to do. We covered the 47 nautical miles in next to no time at all. Lots of shipping in the Solent. We heard Queen Mary II hailing Solent Coastguard and within minutes her silhouette was clear on the horizon, she steamed within half a mile of us - boy is she big !! She looked huge from where I was sitting.

The sea state was fairly placid, as was my introduction to life on board Stray Cat. The Solent was busy with shipping and ferries and we were buzzed a couple of times by a large naval helicopter. Our course coincided with that of a container ship (Copenhagen Express) and we dutifully followed her for a mile or so, before passing her when safe to do so. The Portsmouth skyline to our starboard, with the large sail shaped building, was instantly recognisable and fairly impressive.

On safe arrival at Cowes Yacht Haven, I practised my new roping skills and within minutes we were off to the local hostelry to find a real ale and a Guinness. We followed this with good pub food and 'headed' back to the boat.... Headed being the operative word, as I tried to enter the main saloon without opening the glass sliding door.... ouch !!!!

All in all a pretty sedate start to my leg of 'A Passage of Hope'. I'm sure it will liven up a bit. Early to comment I know, but - I can't see what all the fuss was about (a few Yorkshire waves, that's all...)

Going to my 'scratcher' now..... Shaun


charlie bravo said...

Have you two entered a timeslip or something? You were on Day 14 yesterday and now again today. Must be all that sun you've been soaking up these last few days.

Really can't wait to get on board now for the final leg. The hangover from Saturday night has gone Tim so we're in fine fettle and looking forward to our bit of the adventure.

All the best for the next few days. Toodle Pip

Col (the other one)

Anonymous said...

First day back to work yesterday - more sponsor money raised + time for trip safely booked so we will head down friday pm ;0) getting excited now !

s-c + col

Anonymous said...

Ah, the glass sliding door! We all do it. I still do it! Glad you're underway again, and believe me when I say that the North Sea is about as far away from where you are as El Nino is to a light shower you lucky people:-) Good luck. Andrew