Sunday 3 June 2007

Day 14 - Seaside rendez vous....

Brighton isn't a pretty place, nor is it the cultural capital of the UK - but when the sun shines and you spend time with good friends it is a lovely place to be.

Mungo & Claire (new friends introduced to me by Andrew) arrived at the marina at about midday and gave me a very good reason to stop route planning and get some fresh air.... We drove to their new house (very close to the marina) and spent the afternoon eating, drinking and chatting in their sunny walled garden. I was introduced to Claire's dog 'me me' and we spent a few hours putting the world to rights...

We walked from the house back down to the marina, via a house frequented by Lewis Carroll and the tunnel which is purported as being his inspiration for the rabbit hole in Alice In Wonderland.

Stray Cat was the venue for a few afternoon drinks before we set off to find some food. We were intent on Thai food - but the restaurant wasn't open... we settled for a Chinese and set about putting the world to rights for a second time....

Tomorrow I am expecting Shaun to arrive and we will set off as soon as we can heading for either Cowes (if we leave tomorrow) or Weymouth (if we leave on Tuesday morning.)

Roll on tomorrow and the open sea....


Anonymous said...

Hello Tim!

How lovely to catch up with you in Brighton and hear of your adventures. What a voyage and I'm only pleased that Brighton brought out the sunshine for the rest of your trip!

We seemed to chat and drink non-stop yesterday. Result was me awaking in the early hours in the midst of a nightmare in which someone was sticking nails in my eyes... realised that having gone to bed in a state of inebriation I had left my contacts in. Ooops. Strange dreams continued, which I put down to an overdose of MSG after eating (very nice) Chinese food two nights running!

Good running on your homeward legs and may the sea be flat and the skies blue.

Love, Mungo plus Clare and Mimi xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim
Glad you found time to relax in the sun after all our freezing days and rough weather round the northen coasts what an adventure
back in sunny Llandudno heaving and shoving bricks and dirt. Jan off to Crete in the morning at 6.
Guess where I would rather be
have fun and good luck on the rest of your trip